Antique Hooked Rug Gallery

Long after the Civil War, hooked rugs were the principal floor coverings, especially in rural areas. A trousseau was felt to be incomplete that did not have enough hooked rugs for the new home, and they were commonly made by friends or relatives as a wedding present that was sure to please.

In purchasing a hooked rug take into consideration colors, shading, pattern or composition, fineness and evenness of hooking, quality and strength and similar characteristics. The presence of handwoven cloth composed of yarn spun from virgin American wool is most preferable, for American wool is a quality product and hand weaving is likely to be testimony of the early age of the piece.

This is a small sample of our Rug collection. Please call with questions or to inquire about additional pieces.

2'3" x 4'
6' x 9'
4'1" x 6'1"
7'7" x 9'5"
5'10" x 6'11"
2'10" x 4'6"
3'3" x 5'4"
2'4" x 4'7"
4'1 Round

1410 South Broadway Denver, CO 80210|© 2007 Azari Rug Gallery
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